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Kamloops Clubhouse

The Clubhouse is a long-standing community mental health support within Kamloops.  It is here where individual members with mental health disorders have opportunities to participate in programs that help build relationships.  These trusted relationships and supports help individuals obtain employment, education, housing and connection. 

The Clubhouse follows a psychosocial rehabilitation (PSR) approach.  PSR promotes recovery, integration and quality of life through a person directed and individualized approach.  This evidence-based form of program delivery demonstrates promising outcomes in the domains of health and wellness, leisure and recreation, vocation, and personal education.  

At The Clubhouse, members and staff work in collaboration when determining program content and delivery.  Individual personal experience is recognized and encouraged when working within a consensus-based decision-making process.  Members are supported to take on key roles and presented with opportunities to build, re-establish, or maintain skills needed to live a self-identified successful life.   

Fun, laughter and acceptance is an everyday event at The Clubhouse.  Though members may struggle with difficult days, this is a safe space where we focus on individual strength, wellness and recovery. 

Clubhouse hours: Monday – Thursday 9:00am-3:00pm & Friday 9:00am-2:30pm
857 Seymour Street, Kamloops
Contact: 250 374 0440 ext. 201 for reception
The Clubhouse program provides a wide range of personalized services and education in the domains of personal like, leisure, education and work. The program provides stability, consistency and opportunities to build skills and self-esteem which enables individuals with serious and persistent mental illness to participate as fully as possible within the community.

How to become a member? Membership applications are available at The Clubhouse for anyone who has a Mental Illness and/or Substance Use Disorder. Membership is free.

March 2025 Calendar – Check it out!

Questions? Please contact Sheena Christian, Manager of Wellness Programs at or call Tel: 250 374 0440 ext.202

The Crisis Line service continues to be in operation, which is provided by trained community volunteers and supportive staff 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1-888-353-2273 (CARE).

If you are in an emergency or crisis call 911

You can find us on Facebook @kamloopscmha

Merritt Clubhouse

Effective July 6, 2023, Merritt Clubhouse is no longer offering in-person programming.

For all FCC inquiries or those looking for information and referrals, please contact our Program Coordinator.

The Crisis Line service continues to be in operation, which is provided by trained community volunteers and supportive staff 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1-888-353-2273 (CARE).
If you are in an emergency or crisis call 911.

Sheena Christian
Manager of Wellness Programs 
250 374 0440 ext. 202

Communicable Diseases Prevention Plan

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